On Sunday 10 November, Simon en Zo will be performing another theater piece with us! It is a play for the whole family and invite friends to come along! This time they will play the show “Finally at home” spoken in dutch. The show will start at 14:00. Lemonade, tea and coffee is ready for you from 13:30. Everybody is welcome!
Below an introductory text for the theater piece “Finally home” that Simon and Zo will perform.
Once upon a time there was a father who had a son and a daughter. He loved them very much. One day the son said to his father, “Father, may I have my share of the inheritance, because I want to make a journey to a distant city, to the city of the lights”. His father gave him his share and he left. When he got there, he lived carefree and enjoyed every day, until he ran out of money. And if you have no money in the city of the lights, then all the lights go out. There was a famine and there was no food left. The son fled to the desert. There he found a job with a pig herdsman. He sent him into the field to feed the pigs. The son was so hungry that he started eating the pigs’ food. More and more often he thought of home. One day he decided to go back. Back to his father. Back home. And he went, but not only …
If you already want a taste, click on this link for one of the songs that goes with the show.